The Basics Resources

One-Pagers and Brochures

Early Retiree Health Insurance Options

Retiring before 65 is a goal many clients have, but they often don’t know where to turn for healthcare coverage to bridge the “gap” between retirement age and Medicare eligibility. This resource gives a quick explainer of the various options available to early retirees.

HSA Eligibility

Everything you need to know about Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), including their benefits and who qualifies, in a one-page explainer.

Provider Networks

In the landscape of healthcare plan choices, navigating the various options can feel like venturing into a labyrinth. From PPOs to HMOs, EPOs, and POS plans, each acronym represents a different network model with its own set of benefits and considerations. We make it easier to understand with this one-pager!

Guides and Case Studies

We’re always adding new resources to help you and your clients better understand healthcare coverage and its significance in financial plans—revisit this section in the near future for the first of many resources!