Marketplace (ACA) Alternatives Resources
One-Pagers and Brochures
For many Americans, employer-sponsored health insurance provides a vital safety net for accessing essential healthcare services. However, when leaving a job or experiencing a qualifying life event like divorce or death, maintaining that coverage can become challenging. This is where COBRA enters the picture.
Also known as Faith-Based Sharing Programs or Healthcare Sharing Ministries, these can be good options for people who need or want an alternative to ACA coverage when they don’t have access to employer-sponsored healthcare coverage, Medicare, or Medicaid.
Also known as short-term medical plans, this resource breaks down what this type of coverage is, how it works, and who it can be a good fit for.
Guides and Case Studies
We’re always adding new resources to help you and your clients better understand healthcare coverage and its significance in financial plans—revisit this section in the near future for the first of many resources!